Highlights of Events & Activities 2019-2020

Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS) is an international, spiritual, cultural, not-for-profit NGO.  SAS has been recognized by the Government of India as a Charitable Organization, a Research Institute and an Institution of Importance throughout India.  With its head office in Puducherry and over 300 branches and centres, SAS invites participation from all those who want to work together for a better tomorrow, with no distinction of nationality, religion, caste or gender. SAS organizes programmes and initiatives that seek to bring dynamic Spirituality into material life and all its activities. With multidimensional focus on Action Research, SAS is setting up models, centres of excellence and training institutes that are Sustainable, Scalable and Replicable.

Creating the next future



Empowering with Zero Investment

Hon’ble Education Minister - Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’, Dr. Satbir Bedi – Chairperson, NCTE, launched the Education Innovation Handbook and felicitated 1000 teachers for their participation in Rupantar's zero-investment innovation for empowering education.

Desilting of Bahour Lake

As a part of Svarnim Puducherry’s water initiative project, the water retention capacity of the historical Bahour lake in Pondicherry was enhanced by desilting process. The initiative was inaugurated by Dr. Kiran Bedi, Hon'ble Lt. Governor of Puducherry.

Svarnim Puducherry

Shri. Ashwani Kumar, IAS, Chief Secretary, Puducherry along with the senior officials participated in the consultation meeting with Corporate Heads from CII and senior members of Sri Aurobindo Society to deliberate and initiate collaborative efforts to bring positive changes in Puducherry.

Women Empowerment

More than 2,000 direct beneficiaries and 50,000 indirect beneficiaries, all women, were provided regular entrepreneurial training to upgrade their skills, thereby increasing their income by more than 46%.

COVID-19 Relief

Extraordinary situations demand extraordinary efforts. SAS joined hands with other like-minded organizations and the Government of Puducherry to help the people and health professionals during the COVID-19 crisis.

Celebrating Yoga

Sri Aurobindo Society was bestowed with the Award of Excellence by the Government of Puducherry, Department of Tourism for its active participation in organising the Mass Yoga Programme.


True Spirituality is not to renounce life but to make life perfect with a divine perfection

– The Mother

Sri Aurobindo Society started a journey towards a historic milestone – 15th August 2022, which marks two significant events;

  • the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence,
  • the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, an eminent leader of India’s freedom movement and a spiritual visionary of human evolution.

Our aim—the Renaissance of India, as she wakes up to her true role in the world.

A journey of transformation based on the true spiritual foundation of India, where all Indians and all those who love India can work together for a united dream. 

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Svarnim Puducherry

Golden Pondicherry

Svarnim Puducherry or Golden Pondicherry is an initiative to build Puducherry as a Model
State, carrying the spirit and consciousness of true India in its foundation. In concept, design, and implementation of each of its components, Svarnim Puducherry aims to express a pursuit for perfection, beauty, unity and creativity, and a realization of the highest of all human values.

Svarnim Puducherry is a collaborative effort involving individuals, organizations, state government, central government, NGOs, corporate and institutes who harbour similar vision about the state and about India. We invite  participation in any form and in any field, from individuals as well as organizations and groups to make it a truly inclusive endeavour.

The Laughter Route to Wellness

Mediclowns in action to improve the mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Water Literacy Programme

Six government school students were given hands-on awareness sessions on the importance of water conservation and the simple ways of doing it.

An Innovation Trip

A field trip to Agastya International Foundation to imbibe, inculcate and implement new ideas in education.

Gamification of Science

Experiential learning aims to make science tangible, engaging, and easy to understand. Games and role-plays are used effectively to enable students to find delight in applying and experimenting with the concepts.

Teach to Learn

C Minus 4 is a unique initiative using the 'Teach to Learn' principle whereby senior-grade students are empowered to teach the junior-grade students thereby improving their own cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

Acupuncture for Deaddiction

Svarnim Puducherry partnered with National Acupuncture Detoxification Association to organise a train-the-trainer camp to administer acupuncture protocols for detoxification and other wellbeing issues.

Smart-40 Camps

Smart40 camps with select 40 students in each, were conducted in ten government schools in Puducherry with an aim to imbibe self-awareness and inspire transformative changes in them through life skill training.

Covid -19 Relief

Emergency Response

The COVID 19 has shocked the entire world into turmoil. India has also been stung by its evil tentacles. Complete lockdown and social distancing seem to be the only solution to combat the unforeseen acceleration of its spread. Uncertainty and trauma are threatening to become stable pollutants of mental peace. While the direct impact of the virus is itself fatal, the effects of the unexpected lockdown have severely impaired the lives of the already vulnerable and marginalized.


Collaboration with LTFS

The coronavirus pandemic has turned the daily routines of many upside down..  Apart from the mental pressure, the financial pressure is being felt by each and everyone.  SARVAM along with LTFS played a vital role in supporting nearly 20000 families by providing them meals, helping them by giving shelter, financial assistance for lay-off workers and helping the widows, vulnerable and the marginalized by providing food kits.

Covid Relief

Families of inmates were given food kits and other basic necessities to help them through the Covid19 crisis.

Inmate Tailors Stitch Relief

The expert inmate tailors stitched masks during the lockdown, helping the society during the pandemic.

Corona Response

Provisions, vegetables, food kits and other basic necessities were made available as an emergency response to more than 4500 villagers who were mostly old, terminally ill, vulnerable and marginalized and were struggling for their daily living during COVID-19 lockdown.

Including the Excluded

“The lady was so touched when I delivered the essentials that she started to cry and tried to touch my feet. I was almost embarrassed… that is when I realized the immensity of their need,” says a Satya Special School coordinator, on her experience while delivering relief items during COVID-19. As part of the relief work, Special children were given books and toys to keep them engaged – a challenge during the lockdown.

To give authentic, first-hand information on the status of COVID-19 in Puducherry, Sri Aurobindo Society telecasted a programme on AJK – a local TV channel titled Svarnim  Puducherry.  In this 10-minute programme, the Collector of Puducherry gave a daily updates on the Corona status to the audience. Along with him, healthcare professionals, policemen, and responsible citizens of the society gave tips on safety measures and on utilising the lockdown period effectively, and each program ended with a short presentation of the lesser-known unique facet of Puducherry.


True Education is Integral development of the child—Physically, a strong, healthy, beautiful body; Emotionally, a sensitive, refined and energetic personality; Mentally, a wide, lively, clear intelligence and will; Spiritually, those deeper and subtler qualities that unify and harmonize the whole being through freedom and joy.

Launched in 2015, Rupantar has reached out to more than 2 million teachers in 30 states & union territories.

Through this, the grass-root innovations of teachers from even the remote rural areas are now being replicated in over 750,000 government schools of India.

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Zero-Investment Innovation For Education Initiatives

ZIIEI, a platform “By the Teachers. For the Teachers.” It is one of the largest initiatives of India to drive innovation in education.

Comprehensive Mental Health Education

CMHE aspires to make inclusive education a reality and bringing about a true social change.

Project Inclusion

Project Inclusion ‘educates’ and empowers school teachers about ‘hidden’ disabilities in students, and trains them to identify such children in classrooms. Special educators help teachers, parents and siblings of these children to practice the techniques to support the child’s learning.

Auro Scholar

This is a micro-scholarship program, incentivizing millions of students to improve their learning.

Innovative Pathshaala

One of the world’s first experiential-learning curriculum based on teacher’s ideas

Leadership by Consciousness

Systematic and structured workshops conducted regularly for the officials of the Department of Education.

States & UT covered
Users for experiential learning
Teachers Trained to identify learning disabilities

Progressing Towards New Horizon

Lt. Governor of Pondicerry, Dr. Kiran Bedi felicitating the teachers who participated in the consultative meeting for teachers organized together by Sri Aurobindo Society and National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), India.

Inclusivity in Classrooms

Special Education training for teachers to identify and support children with hidden talents and disabilities.

Israel Education Summit

At the Global Education Summit held in Tel Aviv in June 2019, Sri Aurobindo Society signed an MoU with EdTech Israel to foster synergies between Israeli and Indian Education Startups.

SAFIER strives for an Integral Education which fosters in each child the attributes and values of a responsible, capable, active and giving member of the family, the society, the nation and humanity, at large.

Teaching the Experiential Way

A team of 30 students and teachers of ‘Sri Aurobindo School’, Gaddipally, Telangana, discussed the experiential ways of teaching and learning to make learning easy and interesting.

Parenting in New Age

A special interaction with the Doctor-Parent community of Amravati on creating an awareness of what should form the contents of a true education for their children..

Trends in Education

Shri. Shivakumar, Director of SAFIER, delivered a talk on ‘Values & Peace Education’ in a panel discussion that was organized by the Immaculate College of Education, Puducherry.



Sri Aurobindo Society has been conducting annual workshops on Integral Education for more than 32 years. These intensive courses are meant for those who want an understanding of a deeper and more transformative education that addresses the whole being, first of the teacher/facilitator, and then of the child.

Study, discussions, exchange of ideas, and ways and means of implementing the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Integral Education are the focus areas of this yearly workshop.

The Power to Dream, the Will to Realize

SARVAM works for a progressive, empowered village community, which takes responsibility for bringing about a change in their lives, and thus becoming a dynamic part of the nation’s evolution and growth. The approach is integral and inclusive, touching every person and every aspect of village life.

Rural Women across 20 villages become Digital Sakhis learning facets of Digital Finance, Savings, Credits, and Insurance with the support of LTFS and several banks

Eye Camp

Eye Camps held in association with Arvind Eye Care where glasses were distributed and cataract patients were enlisted for free surgery

Zero Shadow Day

Children celebrated the planet and the planetary system on International Earth Day and the Zero Shadow Day.

Health Awareness

The Health Inspector of Government Health Centre from Thailapuram interacted with the villagers to give them useful awareness on Dengue

English Access Microscholarship Program has been conducted for students in the village to learn English language in association with US Consulate and Regional English Language Office (RELO) .Mr. Moulik D. Berkana, Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General, Chennai; Mr.S. Gokula Krishnan, English Language Outreach Coordinator, Public Affairs Section, U.S. Consulate General, Chennai, graciously took part in the felicitation function and gave away the certificates to the 100 aspiring students.

Annual Summer Camp

In the month-long eleventh annual summer camp, events and activities were organized for the 300 participating children on the themes of ethics, character building, values, and spirituality.

Auro Film Fest

A day-long fiesta of entertainment at the Auro Children's Film Festival along with special children from Satya Special School in November 2019

Audience Choice Award

The SARVAM Trust won the Audience Choice Award at the fourth Annual Charity Awards, Also, Ms Chitra S, Director - SARVAM, received the prestigious award of 'The Most Inspiring Individual' at the same forum.


Palliative care is the care and treatment of the symptoms, discomfort, and stress of old age and life-threatening illnesses. In India, it is estimated that the total number of people who need palliative care is likely to be 5.4 million people a year, but unfortunately, there is neither enough support nor enough facilities.

Volunteers Trained
Homecare Visits


Transcending pain, Transforming lives

SANJEEVAN is a new model of comprehensive community-based home care for the incurably and terminally ill, chronically bedridden and elderly, by taking care of their physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual needs.

Sensitization Programme

More than 92 sensitization programmes were conducted for the volunteers throughout this year.

Nurses Training Programme

Students from the Sabari College of Nursing underwent sensitization & training programme to be better equipped to provide palliative care.

Training Programme at SAS

Around 26 women went through intensive training to enable them to handle palliative patients with emotional and spiritual sensitivity.

Training for Anganwadi workers

Anganwadi workers and teachers were sensitized to palliative care to enable them to help in the community-based initiative.

Spirituality Is the Essence

Indian Culture has made a unique and unparalleled contribution in every field of human activity—religion, philosophy, science & technology, architecture, music, dance, arts, trade, and commerce. Its basis has been Spirituality, along with a powerful rational, ethical, and aesthetic mind, combined with a prolific creativity.

Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) strives to rediscover these truths and their application in modern life and times. It tries to evoke among the youth a great love for India, a pride in their heritage, and an aspiration and will to create an even greater future.


The Scientific Heritage of India

The one-day workshop, held at Kalakendra, Bharat Nivas, Auroville, focused on the contributions of the seers and sages of India in the fields of science and technology, and traditional knowledge of ancient Indians in metallurgy, mathematics and medical science. Auroville Sanskrit Team partnered with SAFIC to organize the programme.

Dr. Mishra on TedX

The myth that Sanskrit is an ancient language and is also the language of yogis and rishis was shattered in the TedX talk by Dr. Sampadananda Mishra.

International Conference on Prenatal Education

The purpose of this conference was to create conscious humanity for the future by infusing consciousness at every step of the process - from pre-conception to pregnancy, from prenatal education to childbirth, and from postnatal care to parenting.

Learning the Divine Language - Sanskrit

Sri Aurobindo Society has taken focused multi-dimensional efforts to revive and promote thel ancient language of India - Sanskrit. Spandana is a bi-annual intensive course on Sanskrit conducted at two levels – beginners and advanced.

Residential Study Camp For Indian-American Children

“Unmeṣa: Explore, Evolve, Realise” is a residential study camp which was designed by Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC) in collaboration with Agastya Gurukulam. It aims to help Indian-American children prepare themselves for deeper transformation and inner evolution.

Prema Nirjharini 2020 – the musical cascade

This year, the much-awaited annual musical offering was co-organized by SAFIC with Raj Nivas, the official residence of the Lt. Governor of Puducherry. The dual aim of this year’s offerings was to celebrate the 143rd birth anniversary of The Mother, and The Golden Day of Supramental Descent on 29 February.

Indian Yoga Association – Pondicherry Chapter

Sri Aurobindo Society is a founder member of the Indian Yoga Association. Around 18 members participated in the discussion on the formation of the Puducherry chapter of IYA held on December 8, 2019, in Puducherry.

Children With Special Needs

Every Child Is Special

AROHAN is a collaborative initiative with Satya Special School (Puducherry) and college of education, university of Oregon (Eugene, USA), to build capacities of primary caregivers, special educators and parents on providing care, therapy and education through the early intervention programme.

Special Online Classes

Satya Special School teachers mastered the daunting task of delivering interactive online classes for special children.

Parents as Co-therapists

A support group was formed and parents were trained to take care of their children and keep them involved in constructive activities during the lockdown.

People Reached
Safety Gear Distributed
Helpline Calls
Toy Kits

Expert Discussions

Panel discussions were conducted with doctors and thought leaders from multiple disciplines to explore ways of bringing positive transformation in the lives of special children.

Train the Teachers

Special teachers trained on best practices of special education, with fraternities from Physio associations.

Games for CWSN

Cooperative team games were organized for CWSN to help improve their social conduct and interactivity skills.

Sustainable Development

For meaningful and long-lasting progress, science and technology have to be synthesized with
Sustainability and Spiritual values, in the service of humanity.


SHARANAM is a unique structure for Training Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation, instrumental in nurturing an integrated approach towards village development in India.

SHARANAM is an effort to establish harmony between the design, idea, the materials, the environment, the process, and the people, at all levels, in creating one of the greenest campuses of India. It is a training and educational campus with a residential complex and extensive facilities, incorporating ecological and energy-efficient principles.


Ecological Rehabilitation​

Sanctuary Nesting Site

A proposed place for the sanctuary nesting site. A breathtaking view as one walks on the thick bund on the banks of the waterbody.

Coconut Island

A proposed place that will help people learn about water retention and also freshwater wetlands.

Children Activity Zone

A meeting place, Koodam, is the area under the big banyan tree, where the children would be introduced to the area that they are visiting.

Butterfly Garden

An array of green plants and trees is sure to attract all the butterflies that can feed on the rich nectar from the flowers.

Interpretation Center

A proposed place to sit down and focus, coupled with a small nursery for the children to try their hand at plant propagation.

Herbal Garden

To disseminate knowledge about medicinal plants to all, a garden will be created to accommodate many of the important plants of medicinal value.

and much more ...

Sustainable Agriculture

Matrikunj, ‘The Mother’s Grove’—is a 43-acre land on the outskirts of Puducherry,
where Sri Aurobindo Society carries out research in conscious, natural and organic farming.

Nurturing Desi Cows

“Humans need cows more than cows need humans." Around 10 desi cows are nurtured and protected in our green environment of Matrikunj and the cattle feeds are completely organic.

Cultivating Organic

In the 43-acre expanse of Matrikunj, regular research and hands-on training are conducted to explore, educate, and inspire humanity to use natural agricultural practices.

Agro Homeopathy

AHAR (Application of Homeopathy in Agricultural Research) is unique research where poisonous chemical fertilizers and pesticides are replaced by homeopathy medicines.

The domain of business is in a continuous quest for improvement in productivity and profits while seamlessly expanding the organization. There is a growing search for new paradigms. Managing the human element is still the most important and also the most challenging.

Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM) works to define new paradigms of leadership based on values, beauty, compassion, harmony and a deep sense of universal interconnectivity. It strives to help executives and managers to realize that often an inner realignment helps overcome many challenges. A change in attitudes, values and consciousness can enable the right decisions and help find lasting solutions

Leadership by Consciousness

Executive Workshop on Leadership by Consciousness for Toyota Kirloskar Limited provided deep insights on Leadership and Conflict management.

Leadership Value

A one-day programme for middle level managers in the corporate to succeed over stressful challenges effortlessly

Intuitive Decision Making

Thought leaders across the globe are realizing the significant role of intuition in taking successful and sustainable business decisions.

Towards Life Beautiful

A family retreat for all members of families was organized with the objective of understanding and deepening the relationships. The deeply experiential and highly enjoyable programme had important takeaways for the participants.

Insight and Inner Consciousness

Around 95 officials from the Department of Education, Puducherry attended the workshop that covered a range of mindful Leadership themes including Insight and Inner Consciousness.

Leadership in Education

Six different leadership styles that are considered important in the EQ framework were the topics of the workshop that was conducted for officials of the Education Department, Karnataka.

Values of Leaders

A workshop highlighting leadership ethics, values & morality was attended by the officials of the Education Department, Sikkim.


Despite quantum leaps made by modern medical science, the realization of perfect health and wellness is still out of humanity’s reach. Our focus needs to shift from a narrow illness-centered approach to something deeper and more holistic, where the body, the emotions, the thoughts, and the Self are all in harmony.  Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research (SAIIIHR) is working with this approach to research applying new ways of enhancing health and healing and curing illness through a synthesis of modern and traditional methods.


SACH runs a homeopathy clinic, which apart from treatments, is also involved in researching and understanding health to
create awareness and realize integral health for all.

Homeopathy medicines to improve immunity were distributed during the Corona Pandemic. 

Passionate yogis
days pranayama camps

Dealing with Emotion

A workshop that helped the participants handle their negative emotions and also to purify and uplift their emotions.

Emotional Intelligence

A workshop on deepening empathy by enhancing the abilities to perceive and listen and have compassionate conversations.

Living Within

The workshop was a deep self-exploratory journey aiming to reach self-mastery where one learns to respond rather than react to any situation. It was indeed a cherished discovery for the participants.


NAMAH is a journal dedicated to the cause of an integral approach to psychology, health, and medicine. The basic concept is that a human being is a complex whole constituted by the body, the emotional nature, the mind, and, behind all these, the core self — soul or spirit. An Integral approach is one that takes into account all these aspects and their interactions and embraces diverse modalities of treatment recognising that each modality has its virtues and limitations.

Yoga Camp

The importance of Mantrocchar, Yogasanas, Pranayama, and Yoganidra was taught to the participants by Yoga Guru Swami Taponidhi Saraswati.

Practising Life Skills

This workshop aimed at fine-tuning, practising, and perfecting life skills that are so vital in refining and perfecting day-to-day living.

Pursuit of Harmony

A 2-day seminar to enable an individual to explore harmonious living both individually and collectively.

Media is playing an increasingly important role in all aspects of our lives. It has a great power, outreach, and impact in moulding public belief and attitudes. It can help and enhance when this power and medium is used positively by communities for self-improvement and social change.  Sri Aurobindo College of Arts and Communication (SACAC) is a creative centre for learning in media, arts, and communication, providing to the youth professional skills, a search for excellence, a higher aspiration, and deeper values.

The Exploration of Self

SACAC invited Colette-Veasey-Cullors of Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) conducted a three-day workshop on “The Exploration of Self”.

Creative Centre

Experiencing Fashion

Students visited the Studio of the well-known fashion designer Suket Dhir and had a very interesting walkthrough of the modern fashion industry.

International Award

Prateek Shekhar, a student of SACAC, won the Best Short Documentary award for his film 'Chai Durbari' at the International Documentary and Short Film Festival, held in Kerala (IDSFFK, 2019)

Live Sound Workshop

A worksho to improve the live sounds mixing and live sound essentials was conducted to improve their knowledge and skills.

Student Achievement

Teesri Khwaish, a film by Purandhya Sharma, Rustam Mazumdar and Shuchi Prasad got screened at the Global University Film Awards 2020

Auro Children's Film Festival

The first Auro Children’s Film Festival 2019 saw active participation of over 150 children belonging to the private and Government Schools. This inclusive endeavour also saw equal participation of Children with Special Needs.

Children actively discussing about the movie with one of the facilitators of the Auro Children Film Festival 2019.

The future of the nation and the world depends on the youth. It is their privilege to prepare themselves and to work with dynamism and sincerity for a happier world for all.  AuroYouth is a launching platform to enable the youth to prepare for the new dawns of the future—an adventure into the realms of consciousness. it encourages youth to look deep within, realize their potential, explore topics of their interest, and to become agents of change in their communities and builders of a better tomorrow.

All India Youth Camp

The Annual All India Youth Camp, themed ‘INNER FLIGHTS’, was organised at Puducherry from January 4 to 12, 2020. A total of 29 participants, aged between 18 and 28 years, from 11 states of India joined with youthful verve and enthusiasm. It was a camp filled with engaging participation, inquisitive questions and a lot of new discoveries and perspectives about themselves and the world around them.

One - Day Youth Camps


Meditation-based workshop that was attended by nearly 30 aspiring youths


Youth camp on aims of life and the values of success attended by the students of Arya Mahila PG College.


The fourth edition of the AuroYouth Camp focused on understanding relationships


The objective of the camp was to orient the trainers in taking the message of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to the youth of India through various activities.


Activities covering meditative practices, unleashing the hidden powers of the mind, and discovering the Light within.


To help the students in their own life and also for extending service to the community.

Specially-privileged youths' camp

A Youth Camp at M.P. Institute of Hospitality training Bhopal was organized for 28 specially-privileged youths with speech and hearing difficulties. The workshop, aided by a sign-language interpreter, was brimming with the enthusiastic participation of the young people.

Puthiya Nambikkai, New Hope

This initiative of SAS aims at rehabilitating inmates of the Central Prison at Puducherry, and also to improve the conditions of their family.

Medical Checkup and Psychological Counselling

Regular healthcare along with psychological counselling provided with patience and empathy has been pivotal in transforming and mainstreaming several inmates.

English Classes

In the inspiring self-sustaining English training initiative, the senior inmates, trained earlier in basic conversations and writing in English, are now giving English lessons to the new inmates.

Learning to Grow Goodness

Inmates are trained to grow vegetables using organic methods to provide them a sustainable livelihood option.

IYD @ Prison

The Central Prison of Puducherry saw an awe-inspiring demonstration of difficult yogasana positions by 325 prison inmates on the International Yoga Day on June 21, 2019.

Prison life should ideally be an opportunity for reformation. However, in practice, most prisons have a demoralizing and negative effect on the inmates and they emerge worse than before.

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Covid Relief

Families of inmates were given food kits and other basic necessities to help them through the Covid19 crisis.

Inmate Tailors Stitch Relief

The expert inmate tailors stitched masks during the lockdown, helping the society during the pandemic.

Livelihood Skills

In order to make prison life truly rehabilitative, the focus is on steering the inmates towards mainstream livelihood options. Towards this, they are given training on multiple areas including mat weaving, tailoring, organic farming, etc. They are also trained on computer basics.

All Life is Yoga

Auro Yajna

AuroYajna the Integral Yoga wing of Sri Aurobindo Society tries to implement the practices of the ancient scriptures of Yoga:  Patanjali Yoga SutraHatha Yoga PradipikaGheranda Samhita.as a means to attain the yoga of self-perfection which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother propose.

Age No Bar

Enthusiastic participants practicing the concepts of Integral Yoga taught in the workshops.

Auro Agni - Global Centre for Integral Yoga

‘AuroAgni – Global Centre for Integral Yoga’ is planned to be a centre of excellence for exploring and learning the relevance, applicability and efficacy of Integral Yoga in various aspects of life and the world including education, health, wellness, business and economy, social development, leadership, art, and culture. Regular experiential workshops, retreats, and training programmes will be organised.

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World over, people search for sublime truths underlying existence, for ways of bringing joy, beauty and harmony in our lives. These rich and inspiring insights, learning, experiences and outlook on life have been expressed in various ways and forms, be it music, dance, literature, painting, sculpture, films and the arts.

AuroPublications publishes spiritually themed books and creates multimedia and audiovisual products containing deep insight and values. There is a special focus on the integral yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

AuroPublications, the publishing division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, undertakes literary and audio-visual works of deep insight while striving towards practical applicability – in the form of e-books, multimedia, and educational aids. There is a special focus on Integral Yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 


Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have shed Light and Benevolence on the apparent and obvious as well as the unknown and the invisible. Somewhere in this giant arc of insight and wisdom are examples of Their outlook on the world of animals, birds, and insects.

AuroPublications have recently published a compilation of Their words on animals, beautifully illustrated with rare photographs of The Mother with animals.

All India Magazine

Since 1971 Sri Aurobindo Society has been ceaselessly publishing the All India Magazine (AIM) to bring forth the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Integral Yoga and its everyday application. The compilations have been carefully selected from the Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.


A Monthly Bulletin of the Women’s Council of Sri Aurobindo Society focuses on all issues relevant to women, and helps them to awaken to the truth that all human beings are manifestations of one universal Self.


This small and concise booklet contains a collection of lectures by Dr. Nadkarni on Savitri and its background. Click for you copies



AURA is an initiative of the Auroservice Trust, which works in close collaboration with SAS, encompassing a store and services including a café, a travel information centre, and an event venue. 

Aura Store

AURA is an initiative of the AuroService trust, which works in close collaboration with SAS, encompassing a store and services including a café, a travel information centre, and an event venue.

Aura Bookshop

A heavenly abode for book lovers.  What else does one need more than a silent, cozy corner to read? 

16, Goubert Avenue, White Town, Puducherry, a perfect place to buy the entire collections and compilations of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

Aura Journeys

Cycle Tour de Pondi

To discover the city in its authentic way, cycle tours are organized to explore the AngloFrench culture that is still prevailing in the city.

Explore Paris of the East

A one-day tour was organized for the first-year students belonging to the Department of Tourism Studies, Pondicherry Central University. The tour covered several aspects of Pondicherry and Auroville.

Nature Walk

A walk to find out the hidden treasures of nature. Forest and farm walk to educate the future generation about the eco system, biodiversity, and the need to conserve them for a sustainable future.

Aura Café

It is all fresh, organic & vegan @ Aura Café. 

Located on the rocky Pondicherry beach, the patrons enjoy the gentle sea breeze and exquisite sea view adding to the natural flavours of the offerings.

Aura Events

World Tourism with Children

Lt. Gov. of Puducherry. Dr. Kiran Bedi personally appreciated children for their participation in the World Tourism Day celebrations.

Opening the Pages

The cozy room with a spiritual ambiance is the best place to launch a book. Country Drive, a collection of poems by Sukrita Paul Kumar and Yasmin Ladha, and Sunayana Panda’s new book Mirra Alfassa was launched at the AURA Shoppe.

The Mask Speaks

Do we wear masks when we interact? In one of the Aura Events, Oregon-based Poet and Yoga Instructor Joan Dobbie's conducted a workshop "The Mask Speaks" to unravel the instinctive masks that human wear.

Currently, there are about 310+ Branches and Centers

SAS has members, centres and branches in India and abroad. These are meant to be centres of sadhana, of spiritual seeking and service to the Divine. This work can express itself in various forms such as meditation and study, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and cultural programmes, youth camps, educational workshops, schools, health programmes, art, handicrafts, farms, managing cottage industries and other group activities.


At AuroSchools, learning is sensitive, individualized, happy, and creative with an emphasis on the fitness, emotional wellbeing, mental development of the students.

The schools offer transformative, holistic education to children. They seek to develop children so that they become integral personalities and agents of positive transformation in the world. Various programmes on Arts & Craft are conducted to improve learning through the various elements of creativity.

List of AuroSchools

  1. Sri Aurobindo Vidyalaya, Tirupati
  2. Sri Aurobindo School of Integral Education, Chandigarh
  3. La Vision School, Ompuri
  4. Mother’s Children Preparatory School, Ranchi
  5. Aura Mirra International School (AMIS), Bengaluru
  6. Mirambika School For New Age, Bengaluru
  7. Sri Aurobindo Vidyamandir, Yalavatti
  8. Sri Aurobindo Aspiration Convent School, Khandwa
  9. Sri Matri Vidya Mandir, Ratlam
  10. AuroSchool Navakriti, New Delhi
  11. Auro—Mirra Centre of Education, Patiala
  12. Sri Aurobindo International School, Patiala
  13. Sri Aurobindo Centre of New Education, Jodhpur
  14. Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Education Centre,Jhunjhunu


There is no fixed programme laid out for Branches and Centres. They can develop and add new activities according to their inner needs and social requirements.


The Branches and Affiliated Centres of the Society are engaged in a variety of activities including

  • meditations, talks, seminars and conferences
  • setting up of educational institutions and administration
  • teachers’ workshops and youth camps
  • dance, drama and music classes
  • research programmes
  • health and medical camps
  • handicraft and cottage industry showrooms
  • publication of books


All the significant days and festivals are celebrated at the International Centres with fervour and dedication to promote the cultural heritage and unity among the devotees.


Our Partners


SAS works in collaboration with many Indian and international organizations, institutions and
individuals. The relationships with some of these esteemed organizations span over many
years, even decades. Some of the SAS Partners are:


Head Office

Sri Aurobindo Society
Society House
No. 11, St. Martin Street
Puducherry – 605 001, India.

General enquiry

Office hours:  IST 9:00 am To 12:00 pm & 1:30 pm To 5:30 pm
Phone: +91-413-2336396 / 97 / 98
Email: [email protected]
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